Just like you, I'm in the thick of it. Up to my elbows, just utterly drenched in motherhood. My days are filled with caring for these two delicate little souls and it is equal parts challenging and magical. The days in which these little birds will stay safely under my wing are numbered, and as hours turn into days, days turn into years, and in the blink of an eye they will be grown and these (tiring but) precious days will be a distant memory.


I spend my days making mud pies. Walking in creeks with a baby in a sling and a preschooler chasing fish in the stream. We are trains, cats, bears, superheros - anything we want to be. There's no better toy than mud and there's no better place than a place unexplored. We pretend. We ask questions. We create. We grow.


But there are so many times when weeks go by and keeping up with the day to day chaos consumes us and we are left with a faint memory of what we didn't realize was a fleeting stage of their childhood and our parenthood. We must take time to document our connection to these sweet little souls. To take the time to create space for making heirloom memories which capture not only what our family looks like, but how parenthood feels.


My family photography focuses on connection and interaction. If you want a photographer who will orchestrate the perfect smile at the camera photo- go elsewhere; I am not your photographer. If you want to bribe your child with treats to sit still- I am not your photographer. And, if you want to alter who they are in this very moment for your photos (yes, meltdowns, out of control behavior, and all) I am not your photographer. BUT - If you are willing to come as you and they are, perfectly imperfect and let go of control and just play, connect, and enjoy each real heartfelt moments of connection with one another, we are a perfect match.


I create moments of connection where you and your family have the space with gentle direction to be yourselves, to play, and to love and have those natural interactions documented. I know first hand how unpredictable children are and how they will be all over the place on picture day, and will have three-nager moments and meltdowns, and how they need connection from the person behind the camera to feel comfortable, and how the parents need me to help guide them through everything and I will take care of it all.


You will NEVER regret investing time and money in family portraits. Try not to worry about anything else- just show up and be open to capturing your sweet little ones and their connection with you. I promise it will be the BEST decision.


(photo courtesy of Brooke Beasley Photography)

for me looks like thismotherhoood


Dirt. Mud. Rocks. Water. Capes. Kitties. Trains. Building. Climbling. Roughhousing. Exploring. Adventuring. Puddle stomping. Digging for worms. Snuggling. Playing. Forts. Pretend. Reading. Cooking. Crafting. Jumping on the bed. Silliness. We are in a constant state of doing nothing at all but turning it into the best of everything.






Trying to balance being an entrepreneur and navigating life with two littles as their full time caregiver. There are incredibly slow times when the demands of motherhood make minutes seem like hours and incredibly fast times when somehow a year has gone by in the blink of an eye and they have grown more than my heart can stand. There are times where I stand in awe of their love for one another and times when I don't know how I can handle one more thing without it breaking me. But there is never a time when I don't love them more than anything.


Trying to create magical experiences and memories for them which have just the right balance of simple joy, silliness, and love ... which leaves me with enough energy to still shove that load of laundry I didn't do into the bottom of one of my closets so that the baby doesn't eat the four year old's muddy pants.





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telephone (408) 823-6540

located in Pilot Hill, ca

serving northern california

email us |

telephone (408) 823-6540

located in Pilot Hill, ca

serving northern california